so people always think of the iPhone seas kind of the latest specs and tech from Apple inside the shell of an iPhone5s and so naturally when we talk about the iPhone se 2 being released we startto see renders like this with an edge to edge OLED display a notch for face IDpotentially a dual camera system on the back we just go nuts and dream of thisamazing yet tiny phone but this is probably the incorrect way of thinkingabout this product the iPhone se was released in March of 2016following a September 2015 launch of the iPhone 6s and we haven’t seen an updatesince now we are expecting that in early 2020 Apple is going to completelyrefresh the iPhone se but the problem is is that if you’re expecting it to looklike this beautiful render with this beautiful edge to edge display then Ithink you’re gonna be severely disappointed by this launch so do me afavor and take two seconds to hit that like button it helps me out a ton andwe’re going to jump into all the changes that are going to be coming in theiPhone se 2 in March of 2020 so like I said looking at this form factor andthinking of it as the iPhone se design is really kind of a flawed way ofthinking about it so yes the iPhone se has only been seen in this casing butwe’ve also only seen one iteration of the device and it was immediatelypreceding the ending of production of the iPhone 5s in 2016 Apple was twoyears into the brand new design language that they had introduced with the iPhone6 and they were about to enter their third year with the production of theiPhone 7 in September and demand for the older iPhone 5s was kind of fading butit was not so much because of the smaller screen size but more because ofthe slowly degrading speed of the device so Apple saw an opportunity and ratherthan breaking ties with their 5s suppliers they decided to upgrade theproduct with internal specs and sell it basically over again the iPhone se isbasically a resell of the 5s with much better internals at a much lower priceand this helped Apple basically throw out a brand new phone for little to nocost because they are essentially frankensteining an iPhone 6s and aniPhone 5s into an iPhone se it’s like 99.9%parts from those two devices and this allowed them to severely drive down theprice of high-end specs by putting it in an older case and then it’s much moreappealing to markets like India where the average price per phone purchase ismuch lower than it is here in the states so yes when I see these bezeless iPhone 5srenders with edge to edge OLED displays and face ID and all these dope featuresI think it looks just as cool as you think it does but I just don’t thinkthis is gonna be the SE that we see in the future I think it’s much more likelythat these renders are based on leaks we’ve seen about the rumored smalleriPhone 11 which is gonna be a little bit boxier of a design like the iPad prowith a much smaller display than we see now on the XS I did a video about thatif you want to check that one out as well so what are we going to be seeingin 2020 for the iPhone se well when I told you the story about the originationof the first iPhone se I think that story line shades sound very familiar toyou it’s been two years since Apple converted to this brand new designlanguage with the iPhone X and people are converting quickly this edge-to-edgenotch display is kind of in the mid section of its life as we’re about to gointo the third year of it in 2019 and then 2020 we know that it’s not gonna changevery much at all with those devices either and these models are pricey andin response to this high price Apple actually went ahead and released the XRas I’m sure you saw in 2018 but for a lot of people $750 is just not lowenough to be considered budget in their marketplace so what Apple needs to do isthey need to get a device out that can appeal to that sub $550 price categoryand actually they probably need to push as close to 350 dollars as theycomfortably can after seeing how darn good the galaxy A50 can be at thatprice so Apple really can’t go with this badass edge-to-edge Samsung OLED becauseit would just cost way too much and they wouldn’t be able to push into this lowerprice category so what we’re gonna see instead is an iPhone se released in 2020that’s housed entirely within the body of the standard sized iPhone 8 now that isreally boring but before you click away let me walk you through whyactually might not be so bad so most likely we’ll see on this device is aniPhone 8 body with an update to the Apple A13 chip that’s going to bedebuting with the iPhone 11 in 2019 as well as a camera upgrade that willprobably be a really similar camera to the one that we see on the iPhone XRso a single wide lens but one that has a much faster aperture than the currentiPhone 8 camera and also the capability of taking photos in portrait mode and Iknow what you’re thinking who would actually buy this phone in 2020 with bigsilly bezels touch ID and a single camera setup who would actually drop$400 on this device when it’s stacked up to competitors like the Samsung Galaxy A50 and the pocophone well look I hear you but there actually might still be acase to be made for this device this $400 price point is where we’ve beenseeing a ton of competition recently first from some smaller OEMs like Oppoand vivo and now from even larger companies like Samsung and Google butlet’s be real for $400 you can’t really get like your dream phone or the idealphone for that you’re going to need to spend about 800 bucks to get an iPhoneXS a pixel 3 or samsung galaxy s10 something like that now for $400 you canstill get a great phone don’t get me wrong I’m just saying that compromiseshave to be made like let’s take a look at some of the better received phones inthis category from the larger companies first we have the galaxy a50 which isonly $350 and it has this big beautiful Samsung OLED display an in-screenfingerprint sensor and a ton of other flagship features but in order to getthis low price you have to make some sacrifices in other areas and on thisdevice it is in the camera and the CPU the front and back cams are bothsignificantly subpar and the CPU is already a couple generations old whenthe phone is first purchased so definitely don’t be expecting to hold onto this guy very long and this is the same category that most of those Oppoand vivo phones would fall into kind of looking like aflagship and feeling like a flagship at first but you can’t really legitimatelyhold on to these things for more than two years or so and the pixel 3a is agreat phone but it doesn’t really have that flagship appearance it doesn’t havethe edge to edge display it doesn’t have water resistance it’s really lacking thethings that kind of make a flagship a flagship and the inside of the phone iskind of the same story you get a CPU that’s a little bit older not so fastand it really doesn’t perform like a flagship would be expected to but it’sok because you get pretty much the best camera you can get on a phone right nowor maybe the best because it’s nearly identical to the cam we all loved in thepixel 3 the point is simply this you can make awesome phones and price themaround $400 they just can’t have everything in our current economy thisnew iPhone se design is the same story this dated iPhone 8 body doesn’t lookgreat heck it didn’t even look great when it came out in 2017 but what you’resacrificing in design you’re getting back in unrivaled longevity at the $400price range with Apple’s upcoming A13 processor in the 2020 iPhone se itshould have speed that dominates even flagship Android devices not to mentionthe fact that it’ll probably be supported in software for five to sevenyears while you know you’d be lucky if you’ve got one to two years out of thepocophone in two to three out of a flagship Android device and that xrcamera isn’t great either but I have no doubt that it’s gonna take some awesomepictures for about three years and it’ll still be tolerable for four to five sodon’t look at the 2020 iPhone se as a device that pales in comparison to theother budget phones just think of it in the same way that you think about allits competitors it’s a compromise and at $400 you pretty much have to make acompromise so it’s really just about making the one that’s right for you Ihope you guys enjoyed the video smash like if you did and don’t forget tofollow me on Instagram as I am posting daily content over there if you madeit all the way to the end of this video and you enjoyed it consider hitting thatshare button and sending it to someone else who might enjoy it as well and withthat being said I’ll see you guys later
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